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C3 server failure [fixed] 2023-09-13
[09:59] The broken parts were replaced a little earlier than expected and the server is back up and running. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the malfunction.
[09:20] The work is still in progress and we expect it to be completed between 10-11am.
[08:50] The broken parts of the server are currently being replaced. We expect the repair work to take 1 to 2 hours depending on the extent of the damage.
[08:30] The failure of the C3 server is most likely due to a power surge from the mains. We are currently investigating the issue and technicians are on site to diagnose the server.
[08:00] The C3 server failure is due to a fault in the server centre's electrical network, the damage of which is currently being investigated.
[07:50] A fault has been detected on the C3 server and is being investigated.
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